In recent years, doggy daycare has become increasingly popular. This option is perfect for a variety of canine companions. Fido is extremely friendly and frequently feels lonely and restless when left alone at home for long periods of time. Bringing your furry friend to a doggy daycare can be a wonderful experience for both of you! Your canine buddy will have a great time running and playing with other dogs while you’re at work. Not every pooch is well-suited for daycare, though. Below, a New Orleans, LA veterinarian provides some insight on this topic.
What Are The Benefits Of Doggy Daycare?
Encouraging little Fido to interact and connect with other dogs can bring about a multitude of benefits, aside from just entertaining him.
Socialization: daycare provides Fido with the opportunity to socialize and engage in playtime with other dogs. Proper socialization is crucial for our canine buddies. This fosters a sense of open-mindedness in young pups, allowing them to grow into friendly adults with a wide-ranging outlook on the world. Dogs that have not been properly socialized may be more likely to exhibit aggression and fear as they mature.
Exercise: While some of our furry companions enjoy a more relaxed lifestyle, the majority of dogs at any daycare are highly energetic and lively. Fido will have a chance to expend that extra energy. This has numerous advantages, not only for maintaining his fitness but also for being highly valuable to you. Once you retrieve your adorable companion, he’ll most likely be quite worn out and ready to relax and cuddle, instead of being overly energetic and needing a high-energy play session. You can wind down together.
Safety: When dogs are left alone, they can become very anxious. They may act up, or even try to escape. Others may display various forms of disruptive behavior. As an illustration, Fido may try to dig through the carpet or search through the garbage. Not only can these behaviors create a mess, but they can also be quite dangerous.
Which Dog Breeds Are Particularly Suited For Daycare, Aside From Puppies?
Daycare is perfect for social and active pups who love being around other furry friends and have lots of energy to burn. An ideal ‘student’ is characterized by a friendly and outgoing nature, along with a playful and well-behaved demeanor.
Surprisingly, there are dogs that thoroughly enjoy daycare. Toy breeds, for example, have gained a reputation for being affectionate lap dogs. However, they also have a great time and enjoy themselves. Elderly dogs also like and benefit from spending quality time with their loved ones. It ultimately depends on the dog!
When Is The Best Age For My Puppy To Start Going To Daycare?
Usually, this depends more on little Fido’s vaccination schedule than a specific age. Most daycares require puppies to have their initial vaccines and boosters before accepting them. In addition to the core vaccines, it is often advised to give the Bordetella vaccine and, in specific circumstances, the canine influenza vaccine.
Most puppies will have reached those important milestones by the age of 12 to 16 weeks, as a general rule. Get specific information from both the daycare and your vet.
How Can I Determine If Fido Is Not A Good Fit For Daycare?
We cannot simply rely on the breed alone to determine this. Each and every one of our cherished dogs has their own unique personality.
That being said, there are signs that a pup may not thrive in a daycare environment.
Aggressive Behavior: Training can effectively address aggressive behavior in certain dogs. However, doggy daycare is not the best option for any pup that is showing signs of aggression.
Many things can cause dogs to act aggressive, including territorial instincts, fear, and the social dynamics within their pack. Regardless of the reason, this is a complete dealbreaker.
Unneutered Dogs: Usually, daycares require dogs to be spayed or neutered before they can be enrolled. Overall, there is a significant potential for conflicts among unfixed pets, resulting in unnecessary drama. Unneutered male dogs often exhibit more aggressive behavior than their neutered counterparts. And sometimes, dogs that were fixed may display aggression towards those that have not been neutered, as they see them as a possible source of danger. In addition, intact females can occasionally result in conflicts among pups.
Shy or Fearful Dogs: Nervous pups often feel unsafe in busy or strange places. Unfortunately, other pooches pick that up. Shy dogs are much more likely to be targeted or bullied by other dogs. timid dogs may feel more comfortable staying at home in their cozy doggy beds instead of going to daycare.
Enormous Dogs: Some larger dog breeds tend to be quite lazy, spending their days napping and daydreaming about bacon. Those gentle couch potatos don’t usually cause any issues. However, an untrained or highly energetic large pup can pose a risk to other dogs or staff members simply because of its size.
If you aren’t sure if your canine buddy would be a good fit for daycare, it would be wise to seek advice from your New Orleans, LA veterinarian and the knowledgeable staff at the daycare facility.
How Can I Tell If Fido Enjoys Going To Daycare?
Some dogs may react positively to daycare, while others may feel fearful or overly stimulated.
Pay close attention to your pup’s behavior. If Fido becomes very excited when ‘Daycare’ is mentioned and happily wags his tail during the ride over, it can be inferred that he truly enjoys it. If he seems anxious and uneasy, he may not be a good fit. When you go to pick up your furry companion from daycare, you may notice a significant shift in his behavior if he strongly dislikes being there. He might seem anxious or uneasy, and his actions may differ from his typical behavior.
A high-quality daycare will also have staff members who are experienced and capable of understanding and meeting the needs of each pup. Seasoned observers can tell when puppies are not enjoying themselves.
How Often Should I Take My Puppy To Daycare?
It differs from pooch to pooch. Certainly, there are plenty of puppies that would be overjoyed to attend school Monday through Friday, while you’re at work. Other pooches may do best on a more flexible schedule, where they only need to come in a few times per week. Feel free to experiment with various schedules and observe your furry friend’s preferences.
Conclusion: Doggy daycare can be a great way for Fido to be able to play and hang out with his buddies while you’re at work, but it isn’t right for every pooch. Dogs that are aggressive, fearful, or have mobility or behavioral issues are generally not a good fit.
Reach Out to Our New Orleans, LA Animal Clinic
Do you need any assistance regarding your canine buddy’s health or care? Would you like to schedule an appointment? Get in touch with us now! At our New Orleans, LA pet hospital, we are committed to providing exceptional care.