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Adopting A Senior Cat

November 1, 2021

November is Adopt A Senior Pet Month! It’s absolutely heartbreaking to realize how many cute, sweet older pets are sitting in shelters, often sad and depressed and wanting nothing more than to find someone to love them and pet them. If you’re ready to bring a new kitty into your home, please think about getting an older cat. A local New Orleans, LA vet offers some advice on this below.


Older cats are often overlooked in favor of kittens. We know, baby animals are almost impossibly cute and fun. Many people also prefer to raise their pets themselves. However, older kitties also make purrfect pets. You’ll be able to skip Fluffy’s terrible twos. If you haven’t had a kitten in a while, you may have forgotten that they can be handfuls! You also won’t have to guess at what Fluffy will look like as an adult, or what her purrsonality will be.

Things To Consider

Adopting any pet is a huge commitment, so think things over carefully. One thing to factor in is whether or not you have other pets. If you have a puppy, little Fido may be too much for Fluffy. It’s also important for you to make sure you are committed to caring for your feline friend for the rest of her natural life.

Coming Home

Going to a new house is a huge deal for our feline pals. Fluffy may be quite scared and nervous at first. Give her some hiding spots, such as an enclosed kitty condo. You may also want to start her out in a quiet room with bedding, food, toys, treats, and a litterbox, and just let her settle in. Of course, adjustment times also depend on the kitty. Some cats will immediately flop down in the middle of the living room and make themselves at home. Others will hide for days or even weeks.

Veterinary Care

One of the first things you’ll want to do is bring your furry pal to meet her new doctor. Most likely, your new feline buddy will already be fixed. She should also be current on vaccines and parasites. However, a thorough exam is definitely in order. This is a great time to get some custom care tips!

Please reach out if ever we can be of assistance. As your New Orleans, LA animal clinic, we are always happy to help!