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Holiday Gifts For Cats

Happy Holidays! This time of year can be quite hectic, with so many seasonal events and activities. You may very well find yourself with some extra shopping to do over the next few weeks. We may not be much help…

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Taking A Senior Cat To The Vet

Is your feline friend entering—or perhaps already in—her golden years? Cats usually age slowly and gracefully, but you will see some changes in your cute pet as she grows older. While her basic care needs won’t change, you’ll need to…

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Adopting A Shelter Dog

October is Adopt A Shelter Dog Month! Quite a few of our canine patients were adopted from shelters. We think all pets deserve second chances. If you’re considering adopting a pooch, going to a shelter is a great place to…

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Spotlight On The Dalmatian

Did you know that today is Fire Pup Day? It’s probably not hard to guess what pooch is getting the most attention on this occasion: the Dalmatian! These beautiful spotted dogs have become cultural icons, and are still found in…

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Dog Walker Appreciation Day

September 8th is Dog Walker Appreciation Day. Dog walkers are one of the unsung heroes of the pet world. Fido really benefits from having someone stop by and take him out while his humans are working! A local New Orleans,…

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Heartworm Awareness

August 20th is World Mosquito Day. We know, mosquitos aren’t something we want to celebrate. However, these annoying bloodsucking parasites pose a greater threat to pets than many people realize. Mosquitos are the sole transmitters of heartworms, parasites that are…

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Feline Leukemia

Feline leukemia, or FeLV, is a viral disease that attacks Fluffy’s immune system, rendering her vulnerable to other illnesses. It’s fairly common in cats, affecting about three percent of our feline friends. A New Orleans, LA vet offers some information…

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