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7 Things Your Cat Doesn’t Care About

Cats are very interesting little pets, to say the least. They can be very loving and affectionate, and can form very strong bonds with their human buddies. However, there are some things that kitties really just couldn’t care less about….

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Signs Of Arthritis In Dogs

Did you know that arthritis affects over half of dogs over age seven? If your pooch is entering—or already in—his golden years, you’ll want to watch for warning signs. As is the case with any health issues in pets, the…

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8 Ways To Keep Your Cat Healthy

February is National Cat Health Month! One reason that cats are such popular pets is the fact that they are such easy keepers. However, Fluffy isn’t quite as independent as she wants us to think. Our feline pals do need…

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Dog Training Tips

January is National Train Your Dog Month! If your canine pal hasn’t completed his petucation yet, this is a wonderful time to work with him. Training is of course crucial for teaching Fido how to be a good boy. However,…

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Fluffy’s New Year’s Resolutions

Happy New Year! As we leave 2019 behind and move forward into 2020, many people are focusing on setting new personal goals for the coming year. As it turns out, your feline buddy may also have a few things on…

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Holiday Pet Hazards

The holiday season has arrived! This is a very special time of year, and one that many of us look forward to. However, the holidays can be dangerous for pets. You’ll want to take a few precautions to keep your…

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Holidays With Fido

The holidays are coming up quick! This time of year can get pretty hectic. Your canine buddy will be right by your side—or at your feet—as you prepare for and enjoy seasonal traditions. Read on as a New Orleans, LA…

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7 Reasons To Be Thankful For Cats

Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Many people are looking forward to spending time with their loved ones over some delicious seasonal food. This is also a great reminder to be thankful for the good things in your life. Cats…

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Adopt a Senior Pet

November is Adopt A Senior Pet Month! This is a cause that is near and dear to our hearts. Older pets are very sweet, loving, and loyal, but they face some very bleak odds when it comes to getting adopted….

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Everything You Need to Know About Hairballs

Do you own a cat? You’ve probably witnessed your feline friend cough up a hairball at least once or twice in your time together. It’s one of our cats’ least agreeable habits—how much do you really know about Fluffy’s hairballs?…

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